Uses of Class

Packages that use Buffer

Uses of Buffer in org.luaj.vm2

Methods in org.luaj.vm2 that return Buffer
 Buffer Buffer.append(byte b)
          Append a single byte to the buffer.
 Buffer Buffer.append(LuaString str)
          Append a LuaString to the buffer.
 Buffer Buffer.append(LuaValue val)
          Append a LuaValue to the buffer.
 Buffer Buffer.append(java.lang.String str)
          Append a Java String to the buffer.
 Buffer LuaValue.buffer()
          Convert the value to a Buffer for more efficient concatenation of multiple strings.
 Buffer LuaNumber.concat(Buffer rhs)
 Buffer LuaString.concat(Buffer rhs)
 Buffer LuaValue.concat(Buffer rhs)
          Concatenate a Buffer onto this value and return the result using rules of lua string concatenation including metatag processing.
 Buffer Buffer.concatTo(LuaNumber lhs)
          Concatenate this buffer onto a LuaNumber
 Buffer Buffer.concatTo(LuaString lhs)
          Concatenate this buffer onto a LuaString
 Buffer Buffer.concatTo(LuaValue lhs)
          Concatenate this buffer onto a LuaValue
 Buffer Buffer.prepend(LuaString s)
          Concatenate bytes from a LuaString onto the front of this buffer
 Buffer Buffer.setvalue(LuaValue value)
          Set buffer contents as a LuaValue

Methods in org.luaj.vm2 with parameters of type Buffer
 Buffer LuaNumber.concat(Buffer rhs)
 Buffer LuaString.concat(Buffer rhs)
 Buffer LuaValue.concat(Buffer rhs)
          Concatenate a Buffer onto this value and return the result using rules of lua string concatenation including metatag processing.

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