Uses of Class

Packages that use LuaClosure

Uses of LuaClosure in org.luaj.vm2

Methods in org.luaj.vm2 that return LuaClosure
 LuaClosure LuaClosure.checkclosure()
 LuaClosure LuaValue.checkclosure()
          Check that the value is a LuaClosure , or throw LuaError if not
 LuaClosure Varargs.checkclosure(int i)
          Return argument i as a closure, or throw an error if any other type.
 LuaClosure Varargs.optclosure(int i, LuaClosure defval)
          Return argument i as a closure, defval if nil, or throw a LuaError if any other type.
 LuaClosure LuaClosure.optclosure(LuaClosure defval)
 LuaClosure LuaNil.optclosure(LuaClosure defval)
 LuaClosure LuaValue.optclosure(LuaClosure defval)
          Check that optional argument is a closure and return as LuaClosure

Methods in org.luaj.vm2 with parameters of type LuaClosure
 LuaClosure Varargs.optclosure(int i, LuaClosure defval)
          Return argument i as a closure, defval if nil, or throw a LuaError if any other type.
 LuaClosure LuaClosure.optclosure(LuaClosure defval)
 LuaClosure LuaNil.optclosure(LuaClosure defval)
 LuaClosure LuaValue.optclosure(LuaClosure defval)
          Check that optional argument is a closure and return as LuaClosure
static void Print.printState(LuaClosure cl, int pc, LuaValue[] stack, int top, Varargs varargs)
          Print the state of a LuaClosure that is being executed

Uses of LuaClosure in org.luaj.vm2.lib

Methods in org.luaj.vm2.lib with parameters of type LuaClosure
 void DebugLib.onCall(LuaClosure c, Varargs varargs, LuaValue[] stack)

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