Packages that use Varargs | |
org.luaj.vm2 | |
org.luaj.vm2.lib | |
org.luaj.vm2.lib.jme | |
org.luaj.vm2.lib.jse |
Uses of Varargs in org.luaj.vm2 |
Subclasses of Varargs in org.luaj.vm2 | |
class |
Global environment used by luaj. |
class |
Extension of LuaValue which can hold a Java boolean as its value. |
class |
Extension of LuaFunction which executes lua bytecode. |
class |
Extension of LuaNumber which can hold a Java double as its value. |
class |
Base class for functions implemented in Java. |
class |
Extension of LuaNumber which can hold a Java int as its value. |
class |
Class to encapsulate behavior of the singleton instance nil |
class |
Base class for representing numbers as lua values directly. |
class |
Subclass of LuaValue for representing lua strings. |
class |
Subclass of LuaValue for representing lua tables. |
class |
Subclass of LuaValue that implements
a lua coroutine thread using Java Threads. |
class |
class |
Base class for all concrete lua type values. |
class |
Subclass of Varargs that represents a lua tail call
in a Java library function execution environment. |
Methods in org.luaj.vm2 that return Varargs | |
Varargs |
Varargs |
Evaluate any pending tail call and return result. |
protected Varargs |
LuaClosure.execute(LuaValue[] stack,
Varargs varargs)
Varargs |
LuaTable.inext(LuaValue key)
Get the next element after a particular key in the contiguous array part of a table |
Varargs |
LuaValue.inext(LuaValue index)
Find the next integer-key,value pair if this is a table,
return LuaValue.NIL if there are no more, or throw a LuaError if not a table. |
Varargs |
Call this with 0 arguments, including metatag processing,
and retain all return values in a Varargs . |
Varargs |
LuaValue.invoke(LuaValue[] args)
Call this with variable arguments, including metatag processing,
and retain all return values in a Varargs . |
Varargs |
LuaValue.invoke(LuaValue[] args,
Varargs varargs)
Call this with variable arguments, including metatag processing,
and retain all return values in a Varargs . |
Varargs |
LuaValue.invoke(LuaValue arg1,
LuaValue arg2,
Varargs varargs)
Call this with variable arguments, including metatag processing,
and retain all return values in a Varargs . |
Varargs |
LuaValue.invoke(LuaValue arg,
Varargs varargs)
Call this with variable arguments, including metatag processing,
and retain all return values in a Varargs . |
Varargs |
LuaClosure.invoke(Varargs varargs)
Varargs |
LuaValue.invoke(Varargs args)
Call this with variable arguments, including metatag processing,
and retain all return values in a Varargs . |
Varargs |
LuaValue.invokemethod(LuaValue name)
Call named method on this with 0 arguments, including metatag processing,
and retain all return values in a Varargs . |
Varargs |
LuaValue.invokemethod(LuaValue name,
LuaValue[] args)
Call named method on this with variable arguments, including metatag processing,
and retain all return values in a Varargs . |
Varargs |
LuaValue.invokemethod(LuaValue name,
Varargs args)
Call named method on this with variable arguments, including metatag processing,
and retain all return values in a Varargs . |
Varargs |
LuaValue.invokemethod(java.lang.String name)
Call named method on this with 0 arguments, including metatag processing,
and retain all return values in a Varargs . |
Varargs |
LuaValue.invokemethod(java.lang.String name,
LuaValue[] args)
Call named method on this with 1 argument, including metatag processing,
and retain all return values in a Varargs . |
Varargs |
LuaValue.invokemethod(java.lang.String name,
Varargs args)
Call named method on this with 1 argument, including metatag processing,
and retain all return values in a Varargs . |
Varargs |
LuaThread.State.lua_resume(LuaThread new_thread,
Varargs args)
Varargs |
LuaThread.State.lua_yield(Varargs args)
Varargs |
LuaTable.next(LuaValue key)
Get the next element after a particular key in the table |
Varargs |
LuaValue.next(LuaValue index)
Find the next key,value pair if this is a table,
return LuaValue.NIL if there are no more, or throw a LuaError if not a table. |
Varargs |
LuaClosure.onInvoke(Varargs varargs)
Varargs |
LuaValue.onInvoke(Varargs args)
Callback used during tail call processing to invoke the function once. |
Varargs |
LuaThread.resume(Varargs args)
Varargs |
LuaValue.subargs(int start)
Create a Varargs instance containing arguments starting at index start |
Varargs |
TailcallVarargs.subargs(int start)
abstract Varargs |
Varargs.subargs(int start)
Create a Varargs instance containing arguments starting at index start |
static Varargs |
LuaValue.tailcallOf(LuaValue func,
Varargs args)
Construct a TailcallVarargs around a function and arguments. |
Varargs |
Unpack all the elements of this table |
Varargs |
LuaTable.unpack(int i)
Unpack all the elements of this table from element i |
Varargs |
LuaTable.unpack(int i,
int j)
Unpack the elements from i to j inclusive |
static Varargs |
LuaValue.varargsOf(LuaValue[] v)
Construct a Varargs around an array of LuaValue s. |
static Varargs |
LuaValue.varargsOf(LuaValue[] v,
int offset,
int length)
Construct a Varargs around an array of LuaValue s. |
static Varargs |
LuaValue.varargsOf(LuaValue[] v,
int offset,
int length,
Varargs more)
Construct a Varargs around an array of LuaValue s. |
static Varargs |
LuaValue.varargsOf(LuaValue[] v,
Varargs r)
Construct a Varargs around an array of LuaValue s. |
static Varargs |
LuaValue.varargsOf(LuaValue v1,
LuaValue v2,
Varargs v3)
Construct a Varargs around a set of 3 or more LuaValue s. |
static Varargs |
LuaValue.varargsOf(LuaValue v,
Varargs r)
Construct a Varargs around a set of 2 or more LuaValue s. |
Varargs |
Globals.yield(Varargs args)
Function which yields the current thread. |
Methods in org.luaj.vm2 with parameters of type Varargs | |
protected Varargs |
LuaClosure.execute(LuaValue[] stack,
Varargs varargs)
Varargs |
LuaValue.invoke(LuaValue[] args,
Varargs varargs)
Call this with variable arguments, including metatag processing,
and retain all return values in a Varargs . |
Varargs |
LuaValue.invoke(LuaValue arg1,
LuaValue arg2,
Varargs varargs)
Call this with variable arguments, including metatag processing,
and retain all return values in a Varargs . |
Varargs |
LuaValue.invoke(LuaValue arg,
Varargs varargs)
Call this with variable arguments, including metatag processing,
and retain all return values in a Varargs . |
Varargs |
LuaClosure.invoke(Varargs varargs)
Varargs |
LuaValue.invoke(Varargs args)
Call this with variable arguments, including metatag processing,
and retain all return values in a Varargs . |
Varargs |
LuaValue.invokemethod(LuaValue name,
Varargs args)
Call named method on this with variable arguments, including metatag processing,
and retain all return values in a Varargs . |
Varargs |
LuaValue.invokemethod(java.lang.String name,
Varargs args)
Call named method on this with 1 argument, including metatag processing,
and retain all return values in a Varargs . |
static LuaTable |
LuaValue.listOf(LuaValue[] unnamedValues,
Varargs lastarg)
Construct a LuaTable initialized with supplied array values. |
Varargs |
LuaThread.State.lua_resume(LuaThread new_thread,
Varargs args)
Varargs |
LuaThread.State.lua_yield(Varargs args)
Varargs |
LuaClosure.onInvoke(Varargs varargs)
Varargs |
LuaValue.onInvoke(Varargs args)
Callback used during tail call processing to invoke the function once. |
static void |
Print.printStack(LuaValue[] stack,
int top,
Varargs varargs)
static void |
Print.printState(LuaClosure cl,
int pc,
LuaValue[] stack,
int top,
Varargs varargs)
Print the state of a LuaClosure that is being executed |
void |
LuaValue.rawsetlist(int key0,
Varargs values)
Set list values in a table without invoking metatag processing |
Varargs |
LuaThread.resume(Varargs args)
static LuaTable |
LuaValue.tableOf(LuaValue[] namedValues,
LuaValue[] unnamedValues,
Varargs lastarg)
Construct a LuaTable initialized with supplied named values and sequential elements in an array part and as varargs. |
static LuaTable |
LuaValue.tableOf(Varargs varargs,
int firstarg)
Construct a LuaTable initialized with supplied array values. |
static Varargs |
LuaValue.tailcallOf(LuaValue func,
Varargs args)
Construct a TailcallVarargs around a function and arguments. |
static Varargs |
LuaValue.varargsOf(LuaValue[] v,
int offset,
int length,
Varargs more)
Construct a Varargs around an array of LuaValue s. |
static Varargs |
LuaValue.varargsOf(LuaValue[] v,
Varargs r)
Construct a Varargs around an array of LuaValue s. |
static Varargs |
LuaValue.varargsOf(LuaValue v1,
LuaValue v2,
Varargs v3)
Construct a Varargs around a set of 3 or more LuaValue s. |
static Varargs |
LuaValue.varargsOf(LuaValue v,
Varargs r)
Construct a Varargs around a set of 2 or more LuaValue s. |
Varargs |
Globals.yield(Varargs args)
Function which yields the current thread. |
Constructors in org.luaj.vm2 with parameters of type Varargs | |
LuaTable(LuaValue[] named,
LuaValue[] unnamed,
Varargs lastarg)
Construct table with named and unnamed parts. |
LuaTable(Varargs varargs)
Construct table of unnamed elements. |
LuaTable(Varargs varargs,
int firstarg)
Construct table of unnamed elements. |
TailcallVarargs(LuaValue object,
LuaValue methodname,
Varargs args)
TailcallVarargs(LuaValue f,
Varargs args)
Uses of Varargs in org.luaj.vm2.lib |
Subclasses of Varargs in org.luaj.vm2.lib | |
class |
Subclass of LibFunction which implements the lua basic library functions. |
class |
Subclass of LibFunction that implements the Lua standard bit32 library. |
class |
Subclass of LibFunction which implements the lua standard coroutine
library. |
class |
Subclass of LibFunction which implements the lua standard debug
library. |
class |
Abstract base class extending LibFunction which implements the
core of the lua standard io library. |
protected class |
class |
Subclass of LuaFunction common to Java functions exposed to lua. |
class |
Subclass of LibFunction which implements the lua standard math
library. |
protected static class |
protected static class |
class |
Abstract base class for Java function implementations that take one argument and return one value. |
class |
Subclass of LibFunction which implements the standard lua os library. |
class |
Subclass of LibFunction which implements the lua standard package and module
library functions. |
class |
static class |
class |
class |
class |
require (modname) Loads the given module. |
class |
class |
Subclass of LibFunction which implements the lua standard string
library. |
class |
Subclass of LibFunction which implements the lua standard table
library. |
class |
Abstract base class for Java function implementations that take two arguments and return one value. |
class |
Abstract base class for Java function implementations that take two arguments and return one value. |
class |
Abstract base class for Java function implementations that takes varaiable arguments and returns multiple return values. |
class |
Abstract base class for Java function implementations that take no arguments and return one value. |
Methods in org.luaj.vm2.lib that return Varargs | |
Varargs |
IoLib._file_close(LuaValue file)
Varargs |
IoLib._file_flush(LuaValue file)
Varargs |
IoLib._file_lines(LuaValue file)
Varargs |
IoLib._file_read(LuaValue file,
Varargs subargs)
Varargs |
IoLib._file_seek(LuaValue file,
java.lang.String whence,
int offset)
Varargs |
IoLib._file_setvbuf(LuaValue file,
java.lang.String mode,
int size)
Varargs |
IoLib._file_write(LuaValue file,
Varargs subargs)
Varargs |
IoLib._io_close(LuaValue file)
Varargs |
Varargs |
IoLib._io_index(LuaValue v)
Varargs |
IoLib._io_input(LuaValue file)
Varargs |
IoLib._io_lines(java.lang.String filename)
Varargs |
IoLib._io_open(java.lang.String filename,
java.lang.String mode)
Varargs |
IoLib._io_output(LuaValue filename)
Varargs |
IoLib._io_popen(java.lang.String prog,
java.lang.String mode)
Varargs |
IoLib._io_read(Varargs args)
Varargs |
Varargs |
IoLib._io_type(LuaValue obj)
Varargs |
IoLib._io_write(Varargs args)
Varargs |
IoLib._lines_iter(LuaValue file)
protected Varargs |
OsLib.execute(java.lang.String command)
This function is equivalent to the C function system. |
Varargs |
LibFunction.invoke(Varargs args)
Varargs |
OneArgFunction.invoke(Varargs varargs)
Varargs |
PackageLib.preload_searcher.invoke(Varargs args)
Varargs |
PackageLib.lua_searcher.invoke(Varargs args)
Varargs |
PackageLib.searchpath.invoke(Varargs args)
Varargs |
PackageLib.java_searcher.invoke(Varargs args)
Varargs |
ThreeArgFunction.invoke(Varargs varargs)
Varargs |
TwoArgFunction.invoke(Varargs varargs)
Varargs |
VarArgFunction.invoke(Varargs args)
Subclass responsibility. |
Varargs |
ZeroArgFunction.invoke(Varargs varargs)
Varargs |
BaseLib.loadFile(java.lang.String filename,
java.lang.String mode,
LuaValue env)
Load from a named file, returning the chunk or nil,error of can't load |
Varargs |
PackageLib.loadlib.loadlib(Varargs args)
Varargs |
BaseLib.loadStream(java.io.InputStream is,
java.lang.String chunkname,
java.lang.String mode,
LuaValue env)
Varargs |
VarArgFunction.onInvoke(Varargs args)
Methods in org.luaj.vm2.lib with parameters of type Varargs | |
Varargs |
IoLib._file_read(LuaValue file,
Varargs subargs)
Varargs |
IoLib._file_write(LuaValue file,
Varargs subargs)
Varargs |
IoLib._io_read(Varargs args)
Varargs |
IoLib._io_write(Varargs args)
Varargs |
LibFunction.invoke(Varargs args)
Varargs |
OneArgFunction.invoke(Varargs varargs)
Varargs |
PackageLib.preload_searcher.invoke(Varargs args)
Varargs |
PackageLib.lua_searcher.invoke(Varargs args)
Varargs |
PackageLib.searchpath.invoke(Varargs args)
Varargs |
PackageLib.java_searcher.invoke(Varargs args)
Varargs |
ThreeArgFunction.invoke(Varargs varargs)
Varargs |
TwoArgFunction.invoke(Varargs varargs)
Varargs |
VarArgFunction.invoke(Varargs args)
Subclass responsibility. |
Varargs |
ZeroArgFunction.invoke(Varargs varargs)
Varargs |
PackageLib.loadlib.loadlib(Varargs args)
void |
DebugLib.onCall(LuaClosure c,
Varargs varargs,
LuaValue[] stack)
void |
DebugLib.onInstruction(int pc,
Varargs v,
int top)
Varargs |
VarArgFunction.onInvoke(Varargs args)
Uses of Varargs in org.luaj.vm2.lib.jme |
Subclasses of Varargs in org.luaj.vm2.lib.jme | |
class |
Subclass of IoLib and therefore LibFunction which implements the lua standard io
library for the JSE platform. |
Uses of Varargs in org.luaj.vm2.lib.jse |
Subclasses of Varargs in org.luaj.vm2.lib.jse | |
class |
Subclass of BaseLib and LibFunction which implements the lua basic library functions
and provides a directory based ResourceFinder as the Globals.finder . |
class |
Subclass of IoLib and therefore LibFunction which implements the lua standard io
library for the JSE platform. |
class |
Subclass of LibFunction which implements the lua standard math
library. |
class |
Subclass of LibFunction which implements the standard lua os library. |
class |
Subclass of LibFunction which implements the features of the luajava package. |
Methods in org.luaj.vm2.lib.jse that return Varargs | |
protected Varargs |
JseOsLib.execute(java.lang.String command)
Varargs |
LuajavaLib.invoke(Varargs args)
Methods in org.luaj.vm2.lib.jse with parameters of type Varargs | |
Varargs |
LuajavaLib.invoke(Varargs args)