Uses of Class

Packages that use LuaFunction

Uses of LuaFunction in org.luaj.vm2

Subclasses of LuaFunction in org.luaj.vm2
 class LuaClosure
          Extension of LuaFunction which executes lua bytecode.

Methods in org.luaj.vm2 that return LuaFunction
static LuaFunction LuaThread.getCallstackFunction(int level)
          Get the function called as a specific location on the stack.
static LuaFunction LoadState.load( stream, java.lang.String name, LuaValue env)
          Load lua in either binary or text form from an input stream.
 LuaFunction LoadState.LuaCompiler.load( stream, java.lang.String filename, LuaValue env)
          Load into a Closure or LuaFunction from a Stream and initializes the environment
 LuaFunction Varargs.optfunction(int i, LuaFunction defval)
          Return argument i as a function, defval if nil, or throw a LuaError if an incompatible type.
 LuaFunction LuaFunction.optfunction(LuaFunction defval)
 LuaFunction LuaNil.optfunction(LuaFunction defval)
 LuaFunction LuaValue.optfunction(LuaFunction defval)
          Check that optional argument is a function and return as LuaFunction

Methods in org.luaj.vm2 with parameters of type LuaFunction
static LuaThread.CallStack LuaThread.onCall(LuaFunction function)
          Callback used at the beginning of a call to prepare for possible getfenv/setfenv calls
 LuaFunction Varargs.optfunction(int i, LuaFunction defval)
          Return argument i as a function, defval if nil, or throw a LuaError if an incompatible type.
 LuaFunction LuaFunction.optfunction(LuaFunction defval)
 LuaFunction LuaNil.optfunction(LuaFunction defval)
 LuaFunction LuaValue.optfunction(LuaFunction defval)
          Check that optional argument is a function and return as LuaFunction

Uses of LuaFunction in org.luaj.vm2.compiler

Methods in org.luaj.vm2.compiler that return LuaFunction
 LuaFunction LuaC.load( stream, java.lang.String name, LuaValue env)
          Load into a Closure or LuaFunction, with the supplied initial environment
 LuaFunction LuaC.load(Prototype p, java.lang.String filename, LuaValue env)

Uses of LuaFunction in org.luaj.vm2.lib

Subclasses of LuaFunction in org.luaj.vm2.lib
 class BaseLib
          Subclass of LibFunction which implements the lua basic library functions.
 class CoroutineLib
          Subclass of LibFunction which implements the lua standard coroutine library.
 class DebugLib
          Subclass of LibFunction which implements the lua standard debug library.
 class IoLib
          Abstract base class extending LibFunction which implements the core of the lua standard io library.
 class LibFunction
          Subclass of LuaFunction common to Java functions exposed to lua.
 class MathLib
          Subclass of LibFunction which implements the lua standard math library.
 class OneArgFunction
          Abstract base class for Java function implementations that take one argument and return one value.
 class OsLib
          Subclass of LibFunction which implements the standard lua os library.
 class PackageLib
          Subclass of LibFunction which implements the lua standard package and module library functions.
 class StringLib
          Subclass of LibFunction which implements the lua standard string library.
 class TableLib
          Subclass of LibFunction which implements the lua standard table library.
 class ThreeArgFunction
          Abstract base class for Java function implementations that take two arguments and return one value.
 class TwoArgFunction
          Abstract base class for Java function implementations that take two arguments and return one value.
 class VarArgFunction
          Abstract base class for Java function implementations that takes varaiable arguments and returns multiple return values.
 class ZeroArgFunction
          Abstract base class for Java function implementations that take no arguments and return one value.

Methods in org.luaj.vm2.lib with parameters of type LuaFunction
static void DebugLib.debugOnCall(LuaThread thread, int calls, LuaFunction func)
          Called by Closures and recursing java functions on entry

Uses of LuaFunction in org.luaj.vm2.lib.jme

Subclasses of LuaFunction in org.luaj.vm2.lib.jme
 class JmeIoLib
          Subclass of IoLib and therefore LibFunction which implements the lua standard io library for the JSE platform.

Uses of LuaFunction in org.luaj.vm2.lib.jse

Subclasses of LuaFunction in org.luaj.vm2.lib.jse
 class JseBaseLib
          Subclass of BaseLib and LibFunction which implements the lua basic library functions and provides a directory based ResourceFinder as the BaseLib.FINDER.
 class JseIoLib
          Subclass of IoLib and therefore LibFunction which implements the lua standard io library for the JSE platform.
 class JseMathLib
          Subclass of LibFunction which implements the lua standard math library.
static class JseMathLib.JseMathLib1
static class JseMathLib.JseMathLib2
 class JseOsLib
          Subclass of LibFunction which implements the standard lua os library.
 class LuajavaLib
          Subclass of LibFunction which implements the features of the luajava package.

Uses of LuaFunction in org.luaj.vm2.luajc

Methods in org.luaj.vm2.luajc that return LuaFunction
 LuaFunction LuaJC.load( stream, java.lang.String name, LuaValue env)

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