Package org.luaj.vm2.lib.jse

Class Summary
CoerceJavaToLua Helper class to coerce values from Java to lua within the luajava library.
CoerceLuaToJava Helper class to coerce values from lua to Java within the luajava library.
JseBaseLib Subclass of BaseLib and LibFunction which implements the lua basic library functions and provides a directory based ResourceFinder as the BaseLib.FINDER.
JseIoLib Subclass of IoLib and therefore LibFunction which implements the lua standard io library for the JSE platform.
JseMathLib Subclass of LibFunction which implements the lua standard math library.
JseOsLib Subclass of LibFunction which implements the standard lua os library.
JsePlatform The JsePlatform class is a convenience class to standardize how globals tables are initialized for the JSE platform.
JseProcess Analog of Process that pipes input and output to client-specified streams.
LuajavaLib Subclass of LibFunction which implements the features of the luajava package.

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